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本页主题: [08.20][My Little Airport--Zoo Is Sad, People Are Cruel][mp3][52M] 隐藏签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: Farewell RX!!!
等级: 荣誉会员
家族: 音道·乐经
发贴: 10847
威望: 3
浮云: 424
注册时间: 2006-03-14
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[08.20][My Little Airport--Zoo Is Sad, People Are Cruel][mp3][52M]

本帖被 phph8488 执行加亮操作(2007-08-21)
专辑名称:Zoo is sad, people are cruel
歌手姓名:My Little Airport
发行日期:July 27, 2007
专辑流派:Indie Pop


My Little Airport是香港本土的[屏蔽]流行乐队。阿p(Lam Pang)吉他手,Nicole (Nicole Au Kin-ying)主唱 。

当他们两人还是香港树仁大学学生时就成立了这个乐队,他们创作的歌曲有英文和中文的。【1】在打入香港广东语流行歌曲主流排行前十之后,My Little Airport在香港[屏蔽]音乐圈中异军突起。【2】他们与其他四支香港[屏蔽]乐队成立了维港唱片,并且于2004年发行了他们的首张专辑"the ok thing to do on sunday afternoon is to toddle in the zoo."(在动物园散步才是正经事)。2006年他们加入了Elefant唱片,希望能够让香港[屏蔽]乐迷之外世界广大乐迷认识他们。

Zoo is sad, people are cruel是My Little Airport 2007年由西班牙厂牌Elefant唱片发行的一张14首歌专辑,几乎所有的歌曲都是选自My Little Airport的前两张录音室专辑,除了When i listen to the field mice"和"Mountaintop, doll, lollypop"(山顶,公仔,波板糖) (转自UKOO原创翻译)


01. Edward, had you ever thought that the end of the world would come on 20.9.01
02. The ok thing to do on sunday afternoon is to toddle in the zoo (在动物园散步才是正经事)
03. Gigi leung is dead
04. Victor, fly me to stafford
05. Leo, are you still jumping out of windows in expensive clothes?
06. I don’t know how to download good av like iris does
07. You smile like a blossWhen i listen to the field miceom"(你的微笑像花朵)
08. Josephine's shop
09. When i listen to the field mice
10. Mountaintop,doll,lollypop"(山顶,公仔,波板糖)
11. My little banana
12. Because I was too nervous at that time (只因当时太紧张)
13. You don't wanna be my girlfriend, phoebe
14. Dee, it may all end tomorrow
  • 浮云:11(phph8488) 广告帖
  • 滚蛋了,大家保证
    顶端 Posted: 2007-08-20 19:06 | [楼 主]
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